University of Birmingham graduate with a passion for food & cooking as part of a healthy lifestyle

Twitter: @EatRainbowLove
Instagram: lottierainbow

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Green Smoothie

Absolutely delicious and filled with goodness
There are hundreds of variations of the green smoothie but this is my favourite recipe.

Feel free to change it up and swap any ingredients you like - it's just important to use leafy greens like spinach or kale, with liquid like water or almond milk, and then any fruit of your choice.
Banana is probably essential since it makes it thick and smooth when blended.

Tip: Boost your smoothie by adding linseed mix, chia seeds, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, protein powder or whatever you wish!

I add Juice Plus complete vanilla powder to mine which makes it sweeter so perhaps add a little honey if it doesn't taste sweet enough for you.

Ice cubes are also essential - I find that the colder the smoothie, the better it tastes!

Makes 1 large smoothie
- 1 large handful of fresh spinach leaves
- 1 cup of cold water
- 1 small-medium banana, sliced
- 1 large handful of green grapes
- 1 large handful of chopped pineapple (fresh or tinned)
- 1 scoop of Juice Plus complete powder (or protein powder) - optional
- Ice cubes

1. Start by blending together the spinach and water until  smooth - it should just turn into green water!
2. Next, add all of the fruit (banana, grapes and pineapple) and powder (if using), and blend until completely smooth.
3. Place some ice cubes at the bottom of a large glass, then pour in the smoothie.

Enjoy :)

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