University of Birmingham graduate with a passion for food & cooking as part of a healthy lifestyle

Twitter: @EatRainbowLove
Instagram: lottierainbow

Thursday 30 January 2014

Soda bread

Perfect served hot from the oven, smothered in butter with a bowl of soup for a pick me up on a cold day!
I bought some cream of tomato soup for lunch and wanted to make some bread to go with it, but needed a quick, easy recipe so I thought soda bread would be perfect. Soda bread uses buttermilk (or milk and lemon) and bicarbonate of soda as a raising agent, rather than yeast, so it is really simple and quick to make but has great flavour from the cheese and herbs in this recipe. 
It is quite a dense bread so is great with something runny like soup. I used my lovely mum's recipe - she always makes it and it is delicious so I wanted to give it a try. The original recipe uses half wholemeal and half plain flour but I didn't have any wholemeal so used all plain (to my mum's dismay) and it worked just as well so it is up to you what you choose to use!
I am ashamed to say that my boyfriend and I ate both the loaves I made in one sitting (it's better hot from the oven anyway...) but realistically this recipe will serve 4 as the original recipe says to divide into 4 balls of dough to bake. It's up to you if you want to separate it into just two like we did, or one big one - although remember that the bigger it is, the longer it will take to cook in the middle so cooking times may vary.
Serves 2-4
- 225g wholemeal flour
- 225g plain flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 50g butter
- 2 tsp dried mixed herbs
- 75g cheddar cheese, grated
- 250-300 ml milk
- 2 tsp lemon juice
1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees, and grease and flour a baking tray.
2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, salt, baking powder and soda.
3. Stir in the butter, herbs and grated cheese.
4. In a separate jug, mix together the milk and the lemon juice, then pour enough into the bowl to make a soft dough. (The original recipe said 300ml of milk and I found this too much and had to add a lot more flour to get it to the right consistency, so add less milk first as you can always add more!)
5. Knead lightly in the bowl until the correct consistency then break into 4 or 2 equal pieces and round into a ball shape.
6. Place on the baking tray and flatten the tops slightly, and cut two parallel slashes in the top of each.
7. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes, then slice and serve hot with lots of butter! (Which has to be lurpak...)
Enjoy :)

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